HERS/Bryn Mawr

Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration

institute activities bryn mawr campus extra-curricular activities


The 2002 Bryn Mawr Summer Institute women:"have the ability to combine complete seriousness with a raucous amount of fun"  -Cynthia Secur [July 10, 2002]

institute activities photo albums

album 1 - photos by Keila (1 - 25)
album 2 -
more photos by Keila (75 - 100)
album 3 -
even more photos by Keila (101 - 125)
album 4 - and more photos by Keila.... (126 - 149)
album 5 - even more photos by Keila (200 - 224)
album 6 - photos by Janette (275 - 299) [expanded 8/1/02]
album 7 - photos by Kathy Hi... (327-331)
album 8 - photos by Kathy He... (426 - 436
album 9 - more photos by Keila (476 - 500)
[expanded 11/25/02]
album 10 - photos by Ruth (501-525)
album 11 - photos by Betty M (626 - 650)
[expanded 11/24/02]
album 12 - more photos by Janette (726 - 750a)
[expanded 11/24/02]
album 13 - more photos by Ruth (776 - 803)
album 13 - photos by Angel (825-837) [11/24/02]
album 14 - more photos by Betty M (875-886) [11/24/02]
album 15 - the final batch of photos by Keila (951-958) [11/29/02]
album 16 - the final batch of photos by Janette (975 - 998) [11/29/02]

Reception @ Nancy V's movies by Angel:
movie 1
, movie 2, movie 3 [11/23/02]
These are BIG .mov files and take a long time to download. Use a high-speed connection to view - and enjoy!

Women of Summer links:
* An Unknown Chapter of American History
* The Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers opens its doors

[Numbers are photo numbers. Dates are when the album was put online, green indicating the most recent. Albums open in a new browser window.]

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updated March 14, 2019